Saturday, August 11, 2012

All those fairytales are full of shit...

Today took forever to get through. I think this was the first Friday that I've hated... Shit just sucks. It's so shitty how one piece of news can just ruin your day and the next few that follow. I know I'll be okay. I'm just not right now. And that's the feeling I'm currently living with. I just can't believe how big of a shitty person you turned out to be. The fucking audacity of some people. I mean, what the hell?

I still just can't wrap my head around this. It's just too fucking ridiculous... I don't know. I just can't. Ugh. The way my life plays out sometimes. Seriously. Romantic Comedy that everyone finds so fucking hilarious except for me. Whatever. On to the next one. Well, whenever I decide to start dating again anyways. I'm just going to focus on work and school this semester. Maybe next semester. Maybe.

I just need to hurry up and get my ass up to Boston.

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